Tessahoc’s Kiss N Run CDX RN CCA

Smooch (or, Miss Smooch as she is known to her friends) started her obedience career at a young age and earned her CDX with scores of 196, 197 and 197½ (out of 200). She and Brian are currently working on her UD title. Smooch is a moderate sized golden with a compact athletic style.
Smooch loves to please and is a joy to live and work with. While she has much “flash” in the obedience ring, Smooch is equally happy home snuggling on the couch. Smooch has been certified as a Therapy Dog and has made visits with Brenda to a domestic violence shelter to visit with the residents.
To know Smooch is to love her and she has a great fan club among all who have met her!

Run! Smooch Run!

Loves those jumps!

First stay in a motel – Just make yourself at home Smooch!

Favorite spot as a baby…loved those flowers!
